Drum and Percussion Lesson Information

- Instruction with Herb Barnett -

 Accepting Students


Regardless to the level of experience (beginner to advanced) or, your musical taste and direction on your current journey in music, I can offer many objective approaches to help you improve your over-all drumming and percussion technique.  Listed below, are the different areas of studies in which you can choose:

1.  Rudimental Snare Drum: Education in sight reading of all fundamental rudiments for the snare drum - from a single stroke roll to the orchestral press roll. Including, learning these rudiments in combination while developing diverse tempos from slow to very fast (andante through presto) along with, refining your dynamics of soft to very loud (pianissimo through  fortissimo). Metronome studies will apply to brush, mallet and stick technique for evenness and accuracy, while perfecting consistent rhythm with correct hand and finger control.

2.  Drum Kit Lessons: Betterment of four-way coordination with hands and feet harmonically and melodically.  Applying odd or even rhythmical patterns to keep a steady time signature value with learning to add drum fills throughout the drum kit.  This includes studies in; drum chart sight reading, polyrhythmics, playing along with songs on CD disc, music theory, dynamics (volume control), and implementing the snare drum rudiments (#1) to the entire drum kit. 

3.  General Percussion Instruments: Learning to utilize various percussion instruments from the tambourine to the xylophone.  Studies will include music theory and orchestral, jazz and rock rhythm applications to each percussion instrument, while improving your performing technique. 

4.  Tuning the Drums: Developing and the embellishment of your ear training ability to tune your drums properly.  Instruction will include pitch singing and ear training of intervals within all major and minor scales.  Likewise, learning to acoustically tune the drum kit and dampen cymbals for better volume and pitch over-tone control, when playing in a very small room to performing on a big stage with microphones.

5.  Metronome Studies: Learning and memorizing different rhythm tempos.  Studies in note values, time signatures, ear training, sight reading and musical note subdivisions.  This will apply to number 1, 2 and 3 of the aforementioned lesson descriptions.



Learn Various Styles Of Music 

Rock, Jazz, Rhythm & Blues, Latin, Pop, Heavy Metal, Contemporary & Orchestral


For More Information

Free Consultation


Call: 847.293.4142

Email: Herb@drummerhb.com